Wednesday, May 25, 2011

friends of MS.

That’s what they call the organization my parents have donated to for years for Multiple Sclerosis research. I grew up doing “MS Walks” for a girl in my ward. My whole neighborhood got together to do service for her by walking a few 5K’s. Who knew at 23 I would be the victim, and you would be the friend?

A few months ago I started having vision problems in one eye. I went to the eye doctor but by the time I could get in, the problem was gone and my vision was perfect. When Taylor and I were in Iowa in April, my vision problem came back again. As soon as we got home I called the eye doctor and went in that same day after work. It was a Monday. By Friday I had experienced 2 MRI’s, a spinal tap, a neuro consult, and an IV in my arm pumping me steroids for 3 days. After awaiting results for the past few weeks, I have officially been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Before people heard through the grapevine, I thought I’d post it here. Plus, it feels good to get it out in the open.

Each of us is given trials to face in life, and this is one for Taylor and me. We have already had sweet and strengthening experiences together through the course of the last few weeks. I feel blessed to have so much support in my life at this time, especially Taylor. He has been nothing but sweet and strong during a difficult time. I am lucky to have him in my life to face this with, along with my family.

MS is an extremely variable disease and we are optimistic about the future. I am perfectly healthy at this point and am not experiencing any symptoms or suffering in any way. I am grateful for my health and the comfort that I feel. I have seen the hand of the Lord in so many ways throughout this whole experience and expect to see more as we go forward. I have been very blessed. Everything will be okay!

I decided to post this today since it’s National Multiple Sclerosis awareness day.
Here’s to a life of fighting this disease.


  1. Abbs you are so amazing! I am so inspired by your strength and positive attitude. My heart goes out to you big time. Our bodies can make us realize just how little control we have, and force us to depend on God. I'm so glad you have Taylor to be there for you through this! You'll definitely be in all my prayers! If anyone can kick the crap out of MS it's you! Love you girl!

  2. Abbey, you rock girl! I hope that you continue to have good health. I'm so glad you have Taylor too. You guys make a great team. We have been thinking of you and pray that you can continue to feel positive and comforted.

  3. Abbey, you are a fighter, I just know. I'm glad that you're optimistic about it and that you're on the continued road of happiness! Keep us updated!

  4. Everything I am thinking has already been said. You are so strong and optimistic about it. Thanks for sharing. I love you!

  5. Abbs, i just so admire you! You have always been such a great example and motivator to me. Love you always!!

  6. I can't say it any better than the above. You are such a great example of living positively. You have always been that way, even when we were little. Thank you so much for sharing this! You have already taught me so much. I'm thinking about you often!

  7. Abbey, we haven't met but I am Taylor's cousin :)
    I'm so sorry to hear you have MS. My good friend was also just recently diagnosed earlier this year. She told me of all the books she's read up on it thus far her favorite is: Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis: An Evidence-Based Guide to Recovery
    by George Jelinek
    Good luck and keep up the positive attitude! Love and prayers your way!

  8. Abbey, my mom just told me about your diagnosis today and I was so sorry to hear. You are the sweetest, cutest girl ever and I'm sorry you have to deal with this. Your positive attitude is very inspiring- you are so amazing!
