Wednesday, December 14, 2011

im celebrating.

Why? It's lame, BUT, I made my first successful batch of cookies since I moved to this lovely state. Somehow my dough n.e.v.e.r. turns out and my cookies a.l.w.a.y.s. look weird. The other night I really wanted to bake and spent hours looking at recipes trying to decide what I would try. I ended up using this one, and it was amazing. Tay and I literally cheered when the dough was fluffy! We have been celebrating by gorging ourselves with cookies for the last 2 days. Oh, and we may have given away a few:)

Also, I got to attend another Ann Romney event last night. That woman rocks. As I have mentioned, my MIL is very involved in the Romney campaign and actually hosted an event at her home on Tuesday night where Ann was able to speak. She spent 30 minutes telling stories of Mitt Romney as a boyfriend, missionary, husband, and father. She talked about how he handled her diagnosis of MS and it was very touching. I may or may not have cried through most of it as I related to her husbands sweet reaction and remembered my own sweeties support at that time. She is genuine and lovely. My SIL (Liz) and I had a blast serving refreshments to political people and media. I have so much respect for Karen (my MIL) for being so politically educated and involved. I have really enjoyed being a part of it since I have moved here and can't wait to vote at the Iowa Caucus on January 3rd! It's Iowa's one claim to fame so I feel I need to be a part of it!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. What a very cool experience Abbey! I'm excited for you to vote in January! :)

  2. Your MIL really does rock. I didn't realize it was at her home...that is awesome! Love that your cookies turned out. I might have to try the least so I have dough to eat! :)
