Wednesday, December 7, 2011

a year of firsts.

I turned 24. Hooray. My birthday consisted of teaching Kindergarten, a lovely dinner @ Olive Garden, and some sweet presents. Then I pretty much spent the evening on the phone with my siblings and parents which was amazing.

I have been reflecting on the last year of my life, age 23, and realized what a year of firsts it was for me. I have truly grown bunches in the last 365 days. Here's a few highlights....

Finished my FIRST year of teaching.
Had my FIRST ever medical issue and got diagnosed with my FIRST (& hopefully last) disease.
Celebrated my FIRST wedding anniversary.
Went on my FIRST cruise.
Moved out of Utah (and away from my precious family) for the FIRST time.
Spent my FIRST big holiday away from home & didn't cry! (@least not on the holiday...)
and many more....

Some pretty monumental moments in my life thus far. It has been a fun and interesting year. So excited for what 24 will bring. Here's to birthdays... and growing up! CHEERs!

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